TFCA High School students during worship time in camp.
Tabernacle of Faith Christian Academy was established in order to provide quality education to students in a Christian environment. In this environment, teachers train today’s students to be tomorrow’s leaders. Teachers emphasize self-discipline, individual responsibility, personal integrity and good citizenship.
Tabernacle of Faith Christian Academy stands without apology for the highest standards of morality and Christian behavior. Therefore, TFCA does not give students an education run by Christians; it provides them with a Christian education. TFCA strives to teach each student to look at the world from the perspective of God’s word.
Tabernacle of Faith Christian Academy gives parents the responsibility to “train up” their children in the “nurture and admonition of the Lord.” It is TFCA’s desire to aid parents in carrying out this responsibility.

Members of the Audience of One (Student Worship Team) during one of TFCA’s Praise Celebration.