A. Original Birth Certificate and photocopy (for verification)
B. 3pcs. passport-size colored I.D. picture with child’s name written at the back
C. Church Recommendation from Pastor
D. Certificate of Good Moral Character from the Guidance Counselor / Principal
E. Form 138 (Report Card) from previous school
1. Same requirements as stated above
2. Photocopy of passport & visa, and
a. Special Study Permit (SSP) for holders of Tourist Visa (9a)
b. Alien Certification of Registration (ACR) for holders of Working Visa (9g)
1. Secure and accomplish the student application form. Forms are available in the Records Office
Application forms are available in the Records office.
2. Submit requirements and necessary documents to the Records Office
3. Grade 11-12 SHS (Interview) | Preschool – Grade 10 (Assessment Exam)
4. Interview with the Guidance Counselor & School Principal
5. Proceed to the Business Office for assessment of tuition fees