2019 TFCA Nutrition Month Celebration
National Nutrition Month is an annual nutrition education and information campaign celebrated every July. Nutrition Month was created under Presidential Decree No. 491, also known as the Nutritional Act of the Philippines that orders the National Nutrition Council (NNC) to direct and organize the nationwide campaign.
Yearly, the Nutrition Month follows a specific theme that highlights a major and timely nutritional concern. The 2019 Nutrition Month theme is “KUMAIN NG WASTO AT MAGING AKTIBO, PUSH NATIN ‘TO! The campaign focuses on promoting a balanced healthy lifestyle through proper nutrition and physical fitness activities, both are modifiable risk factor for non-communicable diseases like coronary heart disease, type 2 diabetes, some cancers, hypertension, obesity, clinical depressions and other chronic disorders. Improving both nutrition and physical activity can result to better health outcomes.
We, at TFCA joins to celebrate nutrition month as we always do every year. For the whole month of July, learners as well as TFCA employees were challenged to eat healthy and balanced diet that includes 3 important food groups – GO, GROW and GLOW food, which we called MY HEALTHY PLATE wherein their plate should consist of 50% fruits and vegetable, 25% grains and 25% proteins. These enable them to learn what a healthy plate should consist and the health benefits it will bring to their well-being. They were given the liberty to choose and eat their favorite fruits and vegetables every day, the activity was also coordinated with the canteen concessionaire so that healthy meals will be readily available for everybody at a very reasonable price.

Grade 12 Class leading the Zumba session highlighting the activities for the 2019 Nutrition Month Celebration
Every Friday after flag retreat, we have 20 to 30-minute morning exercise, this is to reiterate that being healthy doesn’t only mean eating healthy but also having a regular physical activity.
Proper personal hygiene is also part of being healthy so they were asked to bring extra set of clothes so that they can change after the morning exercise as well as their hygiene kit for proper grooming.
We believe that every TFCA learners has their own artistic and creative side that’s why we want them to express it through POSTER-MAKING CONTEST, which is one of the activities we have during nutrition month celebration. Participants were from Grades 4 to 10 wherein we’ve selected one representative from each grade level. From there, we chose 1 winner from Grades 4, 5 and 6 and another winning poster from Grades 7, 8, 9 and 10. This activity enhances learners’ creativity as well as raising awareness of the good benefits of healthy and balance meal with regular physical activity.
Lastly, culmination of nutrition month took place last July 24. We started it with a prayer led by Mrs. Grace Asa Manrique followed by a 30-mintue exercise led by high school students (1st 15 mins – Grades 8, 9 and 10; 2nd 15 mins – Grades 11 and 12).
After the exercise, we proceeded with the schedule of the activities for culmination. We instructed all the learners to go back to their classrooms except for the Preschool Department who were the first participants for the obstacle course and relay obstacle course challenge held in the sanctuary from 8:10am-9:00am, followed by Grades 1, 2, 3 from 9:10am-10:00am then Grades 4,5,6 at 10:10am- 11:00am.
Since every batch finished the activity earlier than the scheduled time they were given 15 minutes to play in the obstacle course with their classmates.
Simultaneously at 9:00am-9:30am participants from Grades 4, 5 and 6 proceeded to the school’s gym for the TFCA All-Star Game which includes (1)Basketball obstacle course and (2)Basketball shootout at 9:45am-10:15am.
We had 1-hour break to eat our lunch at 11:00am-12:00nn. We resumed at 12:15pm, Grades 7, 8 and 9 were in the sanctuary for the Obstacle Course and Relay Obstacle challenge while grades 10, 11 and 12 were at the roof deck for the TFCA All-Star Game which includes basketball obstacle course and 3-point shootout, they switched venue afterwards to do the remaining activities.
Lastly, TFCA employees with the learners’ parents and guardians (THUNDERS) had a Basketball Exhibition Game against the TFCA varsity (GOLDEN LIONS).
The Thunders prevailed with a 6-point lead with final score of 84-78.
The parents and guardians were involved in the celebration because we are working hand in hand with them in educating the learners with the importance of a healthy lifestyle which includes eating a balanced diet and having regular physical activity.