Induction of the SY 2017-2018 Leaders’ Council Officers

Mr. Marvin Enriquez leading the induction ceremony.
Last July 7, 2017, the newly elected Leaders’ Council officers had their induction ceremony at the Sanctuary, in front of the whole student body. This was done immediately right after the weekly flag retreat.
This year’s officers are as follows:
President: Zek Alava
Vice President: Jenina Centeno
Secretary: Chloe Aquino

Ptr. Adrian Jayobo praying over the newly elected officers of the Leaders’ Council
Treasurer: Jaye Manrique
Auditor: Joshua Magpantay
P.R.O.: Joseph Carillo
Business Manager: Jamelah Ong
H.S. Representative: Jeorgia Estanislao
Mr. Marvin Enriquez, Araling Panlipunan teacher and Leaders’ Council Adviser, lead the induction ceremony with Ptr. Adrian Jayobo praying over the newly elected Leaders’ Council Officers.