1st Praise Celebration for SY 2016-2017
Before the worship proper, the entire student body welcomed all of the new students and teachers with cheering, applause, balloons and party confetti. They were asked to be in front of the stage to be seen and be welcomed.
Rev. Ray Llarena, the school President greeted the students, gave an exhortation and encouraged the students to know more about Jesus.
The worship started with the pre-school students, together with their teachers sang praises to the Lord thru the worship videos projected on the screen. Later on, students from the higher levels joined in to worship with the kids.
Selected teachers and staff lead the worship that morning. The worship leaders were Ma’am Mikcon, Ma’am Asa, Sir Mark, Ma’am Anika, Sir Adrien and Ma’am Ezra. The worship band consisted of Sir Adrien (Keyboards), Ma’am Ezra (bass), Ptr. Yash (Guitars), Sir Jay (Drums).
The new batch of Leaders’ Council officers were also introduced and were prayed for that morning.
Ptr. Adrian Jayobo, the new school Chaplain delivered the message and prayed for the student body.
For more photos about this event, click this LINK